'Never backing down and eyes always forward,' Bayley Hall

With just under 6 laps to go, an overheating drama caused occasionally limp mode episodes meaning a lot of time was lost rolling the car while Bayley had to cycle the system. This saw Bayley painstakingly drop backwards to 8th place outright but he persevered and finished the race for points sake. With changes to the car to disallow limp mode so early, Bayley was ready for a carving session to bring himself back to the front. In the second run of race 2 due to another car fireball in the first run, the race was restarted. Bayley picked off three cars in the first lap until he had the hard task of passing battling cars in front on a short track with little opportunities. This spirraled into overheating of the car again and Bayley’s need to pass the cars soon. This led to a mistake from the car directly in front and saw Bayley pass around the outside in to the crossover when the other driver drove across the front of Bayley which was legally positioned. Fast decision were made in race control and a pit-lane penalty was applied which lost Bayley more spots than he had gained, however he was not mad but determined until the unspeakable happened. Coming onto the straight for only the fourth lap, the right rear drive shaft let go ending the weekend too early once again. Without the chance to prove what Bayley did wasn’t worthy, it had broken Bayley’s spirit but he still had the time for young BHR supporters to sit in his race car and to entertain the large group of people that came to support him.
With just under 6 laps to go, an overheating drama caused occasionally limp mode episodes meaning a lot of time was lost rolling the car while Bayley had to cycle the system. This saw Bayley painstakingly drop backwards to 8th place outright but he persevered and finished the race for points sake. With changes to the car to disallow limp mode so early, Bayley was ready for a carving session to bring himself back to the front. In the second run of race 2 due to another car fireball in the first run, the race was restarted. Bayley picked off three cars in the first lap until he had the hard task of passing battling cars in front on a short track with little opportunities. This spiralled into overheating of the car again and Bayley’s need to pass the cars soon. This led to a mistake from the car directly in front and saw Bayley pass around the outside in to the crossover when the other driver drove across the front of Bayley which was legally positioned. Fast decision were made in race control and a pit-lane penalty was applied which lost Bayley more spots than he had gained, however he was not mad but determined until the unspeakable happened. Coming onto the straight for only the fourth lap, the right rear drive shaft let go ending the weekend too early once again. Without the chance to prove what Bayley did wasn’t worthy, it had broken Bayley’s spirit but he still had the time for young BHR supporters to sit in his race car and to entertain the large group of people that came to support him. Without doubt, the team is looking forward to new events that will be released soon on Bayley’s future but also looking forward to Bayley’s drive in the Replica Tourers on the 13th of September weekend. Keep posted for news and results.

To get more details on fastest laps and race results visit the Racing tab on the top right of your screen and under Round 4. Also for more pictures of Round 4 visit the Gallery for the lastest pics of the BHR Beast.